

通常価格 $15.00
音響と映像によるパフォーマンスを見せる2人組ユニット、akisai のファーストアルバム「colors」をSCHOLEよりリリースします。
アルバムを通してバラエティに富んだ音楽のエッセンスが混ざりながら、楽曲の表情を自由に変える豊かなメロディラインが聴き手の心を感動させ、スタンダードに、そして功名に展開される楽曲構成が独創的な世界を構築します。抽象的であるはずの「感動」を表現する映像を意識し続けた音楽は、人々の想像力と深く結びつく様な、瑞々しくも自由で美しい akisai のデビュー作となりました。

music : yo suzuki
visual concept : koichi nakaie

a&r : akira kosemura
mastering : hiroshi iguchi
artwork & art direction : shin kikuchi

production management : schole inc.

Sound / Visual project by Yo Suzuki and Koichi Nakaie.
Since its formation, this project has been used as a place for free creative activities, and works have been released irregularly while pursuing experimental expressions.
Musicality incorporating various auditory elements such as electronica, ambient, acoustic,Delicate and diverse visual images that shake imagination, by combining these two sensibilities, construct a form of expression.
Among them, continues to transmit unique world view from various aspects such as spatial direction, provision of music and video, participation in the project.
In recent years, while exploring the possibilities of each field while expanding the scope of individual activities, returns to a style that gradually changes.
While continuing to create works, will pursue new attempts to share our senses with artists, spaces, and media related to various fields that are not bound by fixed concepts.

1st album “colors” (2014), 2nd album “images (2015) and 3rd album “Travelers” (March 2020) were released from Schole Records. Also released other works in different format; a collaboration series, “Natsu Ni Ukabu” (with paniyolo), “Simplify your life” (with Damon Broussard), EP online releases “spaces” and “re:qualia”, and four piano solo works.
In 2021, 4th album “Landscapes”, akisai’s masterpiece, will be released from Schole Records.