daisuke miyatani


通常価格 $16.00
SCHOLE設立当初から親交のある、daisuke miyataniによる1stアルバム「diario」がデジタル・リマスター盤としてリイシューされます。オリジナル盤は2007年にドイツのAhornfelderからリリースされています。

special redux edition 2018
original recordings released in 2007 from ahornfelder
composed by daisuke miyatani
recorded at home 2005,2006,2013
track 3,5,8 field recording by tatsuya toyota
track 16 piano by akira kosemura
mastered by hiromits shoji
a&r – akira kosemura
artwork, design & art direction – shin kikuchi
sales promotion – kazumitsu yoshida, romain meril and matthieu burel
production management – SCHOLE INC.
thanks: alex, tatsuya toyota, erika miki, iplikana, aoi kito, family and friends

His sound works are created from a guitar with the environmental sound, and there is a concept of in between sound and music or improvisation and composition. Albums are released from both Japanese and international labels.
Besides composing works, he has been teaching DIY MUSIC as a guest lecturer at Freedom Univ, also works as a music arranger, remixer, distributing sound for visual works or website, and as a music selector.
Also, he has another project “+COFFEE”, a coffee shop without a permanent shop, and known for its unique style of serving a new written song and a coffee as a set menu called “MUSIC+COFFEE”.