
Beyond the Mountain

通常価格 $16.00
レコーディング期間中SALOにて開催されていた Schole Records のアートディレクター菊地慎の作品展からインスパイアを受けた楽曲が集まって構成されている本作は、霧が立ちこめる山奥の散歩道を歩きながら、見えない景色を想像しながら静けさに身を委ねていく、そんなイメージを纏った作品になりました。

Produced by Itoko Toma

All Music Composed, Arranged & Performed by Itoko Toma
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Hiroshi Iguchi (SALO | ROLLES Inc.)

Piano Engineer: Makoto Kano
ALT.NEU.Artistservice Co.,Ltd

A&R: Akira Kosemura
Sales Promotion: Tokuhei Matsuo
Art Direction, Photographs & Design: Shin Kikuchi
Production Management: SCHOLE INC.

A Schole Records release;
℗ & © 2024 SCHOLE INC.
Manufactured by SCHOLE INC.

Pianist, vocalist, composer.
In 2017, her 2nd album "when the world will mix well" and a collection of improvised piano works "where the piano will lead us" were both released from Schole Records. In 2019, she co-produced and released a compilation album "After the Rain" from Schole Records to support the disaster relief efforts for the torrential rain disaster of July 2018 and the Hokkaido Bold East Japan Earthquake of 2018. In 2020, her third album "The Window" was released from 1631 Recordings. Itoko expresses her own unique sense of beauty by using a piano to depict landscapes and stories, has received acclaim from musicians, artists, and many other fields.