Paniyolo + 渡辺明応


通常価格 $35.00

ギター奏者のPaniyolo、スティールパン奏者の渡辺明応によるダブルネーム・アルバム 『家並み』のリリースが決まりました。

前作『空も少し』から4年ぶりとなる本作は、お互いのプライベートスタジオでそれぞれが録音を試みました。こころの動きを映し出す言葉のように、Paniyoloと渡辺明応の音楽から発する一語一語を本作では感じ取れます。別々の空間ではあるもの、一貫したコンセプ トを基軸にし、呼吸のある音楽を生み出しました。


Track 6, 10 : Akio Watanabe
Other : Muneki Takasaka & Akio Watanabe

Steelpan, Guitar(Track 9) : Akio Watanabe
Guitar, Mix, Mastering : Muneki Takasaka (Paniyolo)

A&R: Akira Kosemura
Sales Promotion: Tokuhei Matsuo
Art Direction, Photographs, Design: Shin Kikuchi
Production Management: SCHOLE INC.

A solo project by a guitarist Muneki Takasaka. Born 1982, from Fukushima, Japan.
In December 2006, Paniyolo started his music career from the gigs in Shimokitazawa. He have released some guitar albums from the music label SCHOLE.
Main works are, “Tama No Koto” featuring a guest guitarist Daishi Nakamura (tricolor, John John Festival). “Sora Mo Sukoshi” co-produced with a steel pan player Akio Watanabe (WAIWAI STEEL BAND). “Sora To Hana” featuring Miho Oota from Cantus.
Paniyolo values the “silence” in between sounds during his performance.

Akio Watanabe
He is a multi-instrumentalist who plays a steelpan, a guitar and an ukulele.
During his working years he met the steelpan, then joined WAIWAI STEEL BAND in 2009.
From January to March 2017, he travelled to Trinidad and Tobago where the instrument was originated, then joined the historic Starlift Steel Orchestra and participated in a competition.
He became the first Japanese to perform in the front line of the steelpan band of 120 members.
In may 2018, he self-releases a first solo album “in my room”
In 2019 autumn, release a duo album “Sora Mo Sukoshi” featuring paniyolo (Guitarist) He is also actively involved in joint productions, most notably the Lo-Fi Project with n’sawa-saraca , where he fuses keyboards and steelpan to create a floating, cosmic sound over Lo-Fi beats, creating a unique world of his own.
With his cheerful personality and gentle music, he spares no effort to give supports to music productions and live performances.