Tim Linghaus

memory sketches II

通常価格 $18.00
Tim Linghausの4thアルバムです。
デビュー作でもある「memory sketches」の続編になりますが、前作同様に温かみのあるピアノを中心とした構成は引き継がれ、ストリングスやサックス、シンセサイザー等の音色を用いて自らが経験してきた事象を、瞬間を描く事に挑戦しています。

written by tim linghaus
strings by jean marie bo
saxophone for *vergissmeinnicht* by tobias leon haecker
recorded at wallring cabin
mastered by ben wiffen

artwork by alex hanke / zum heimathafen

a&r: akira kosemura
creative direction: shin kikuchi
sales promotion: tokuhei matsuo, romain meril and matthieu burel
production management: SCHOLE INC.

"Nostalgia Maestro“
"There is a therapy for all here and a reminder to connect in an age where many are becoming increasingly isolated“
"I find listening to Tim Linghaus' work makes one see the beautiful things in the world“
"Superb. Magical. Transient. How in less than 30min can an album of sketches turn a heart upside-down with deep emotion? Each 'sketch' has a special soul of its own, no matter the duration"
"Tim has a unique way to craft albums. Honest, raw, beautiful." "One of the most impressive records in 2018..."
"A very quiet music, very sensitive and fragile"
"A luminous album"
"The light piano sings that just makes my mind immediately picture scenes“
Tim Linghaus was born in the GDR in the early 1980s and discovered an RX 11 and guitars in his father‘s office when he was a young boy which was his first encounter with intruments and the idea of making music himself. Today, it's piano music he loves the most.

In November 2016 he released an EP called "Vhoir" via Moderna Records followed by his debut full length album "Memory Sketches" via Schole Records/1631 Recordings in March 2018. Between 2016 and 2020 Tim contributed to some Modern Classical compilations and rework projects for other artists and labels like UK pianist Simeon Walker ("Letters"), Swedish composer Vargkvint ("Håll Mig") & Piano And Coffee Records ("Saturn Days"), Moderna Records ("Funeral For Dad"), Schole Records ("Wish I Were With You"), Bigo & Twigetti/Moderna Records ("At The End All Is Black"), 1631 Recordings ("Dark Bird, You Don't Have To Speak") and Thesis Recurring. On January 18th 2019 I released "About B. (Memory Sketches B-Sides Recordings)" via Sound In Silence.

His second full length album "We Were Young When You Left Home" was the first in a series of albums about divorce from a child's perspective and was released via Schole Records in November 2019. During the first Corona lockdown he wrote "Geisterwelt EP", which was released on the 10th of July 2020. His third studio album "Venus Years" is the continuation of the album series and was released on the 11th of December 2020 via Schole Records. "Beach Funeral“ and "Keepsakes, Pt. I" were his first releases in 2021 (both 1631 Recordings).
Memory Sketches II is his second piano music album and releases in October 2021 (Schole Records/1631 Recordings).