teruyuki nobuchika


Regular price $14.00
Last This time, schole presents the debut album by a composer Teruyuki Nobu- chika. First of all, this interesting album is well structured by many varieties of pieces. For T1”pola,” this piece has the honor of the symbolic role in modern ambient music. On the other hand, for T2”tiny fairy” and T3”in the park,” these pieces act in concert with former schole pieces’ mental images. Also, T6”piano bit” or T8”p2d” would show his genre-free, abundant mind. And finally, above all, the combinations to the finale T10”bagatelle no.1,” T11”reposer,” T12”nocturne” are worthy of special mention. It doesn’t need to be explained nothing other for Nobuchika’s final movement at all. There are just some pieces, which so close to us human beings.

all music composed, performed & produced by teruyuki nobuchika
recorded & mixed by teruyuki nobuchika at nbck studio, tokyo
masterd by hiromits shoji
a&r: akira kosemura
artwork: shin kikuchi
production management: schole inc.